Sunday, February 19, 2012

How to choose the default hierarchy for a dimension?

I created a server-time dimension and generated several hierarchies within the same dimension, does anyone know how to select a particular hierarchy as the default one?

I didn't see it on the properties for the dimension or hierarchy.What is default hierarchy semantics that you are looking for ? I.e. what will it be used for ? What special treatment will it receive ?|||It's a time dimension and there are 3 hierarchies defined:
Reporting Year -> Reporting Quarter
Year - Quarter - Month - Date
Year - Week - Date

It seems as though the Reporting Year -> Reporting Quarter hierarchy is used by default, how would I change the configuration to use a different hierarchy by default?|||

Can you please explain what do you mean by

"It seems as though the Reporting Year -> Reporting Quarter hierarchy is used by default"

|||The 'first' heirarchy is the default hierarchy. IE: The left most heirarchy in your model.

C|||Chris - can you please explain what does "default hierarchy" means in AS ? Thanks !|||From your browsing client, If you grab a Dimension containing multiple hierarchies, and drag it over (by whatever means you're using) to your Rows, or Columns, or Filter etc... it will show your default hierarchy.|||Ah, that explains it. Sorry for my confusing terminology. Thanks, Chris + Mosha.

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