(and rather had no time to understand it well) - this cpp-winapi-smo code was a part of instalator used to install
MSDE on client computer - It restore database from .backup file - and then configure dtabase, particulary
create few logins on restored database. -- I try to only change MSDE instalation on sqlex2k5 instalation
and encounter a problem mentioned in internet also - mainly - this code (i put here a fragmnt)
//create logins
Log(" Creating logins...");
_LoginPtr pL;
if (SUCCEEDED(pL.CreateInstance("SQLDMO.Login")))
pL->Name = "flogin";
debuglog(118,"pL->Type = SQLDMOLogin_Standard;");
pL->Type = SQLDMOLogin_Standard;
pL->Database = m_sDatabase.AllocSysString();
try {
Log(" TTX ");
pSrv->GetLogins()->Add(pL); }
// <--
catch (_com_error err) {
Log("|| Exception during create flogin login");
Log("|| ErrorMessage: " + CString(err.ErrorMessage()));
debuglog(119,"CString sDesc = CW2A(err.Description());");
CString sDesc = CW2A(err.Description());
Log("|| ErrorDescription: " + sDesc);
(*dwExitCode) = err.WCode();
(*sErrorDescription) = sDesc;
pSrv->GetLogins()->Item("flogin")->SetPassword("", "jpnzpkzcnobwso");
Log(" Created 'flogin' login");
Log(" Creating 'flogin' login FAILED");
cannot create login becouse of CHECK_POLICY change in sql2k5 (as far as I know)
As far as I read I should execute from this kode sql line similiar to this "CREATE LOGIN bob WITH PASSWORD = 'password', CHECK_EXPIRATION = OFF, CHECK_POLICY = OFF" or do such thing in some SMO way
if possible but had no special idea how to do this one (sql) or the second (SMO)
MAybe someone could help me a bit with this.
There is a boolean property on the Login object called PasswordPolicyEnforced() which you'll want to set to false before creating the login.
That should solve your problem.
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